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Nutrition filter by Mutant

Mutant Creakong Creatine

Mutant Creakong CX8 Review: Effective & Affordable Creatine Supplement in Singapore

Mutant Creakong CX8 revolutionizes creatine supplementation by combining creatine monohydrate, creatine magnesium chelate, and tricreatine malate. Each serving delivers a robust 8 grams of creatine, surpassing typical muscle saturation levels. This formulation not only supports enhanced strength and power but also offers better absorption and reduced side effects, catering to diverse user preferences.
by Charles Babbage on December 31, 2023
Mutant BCAA Review: A Comprehensive Guide for Bodybuilders

Mutant BCAA Review: A Comprehensive Guide for Bodybuilders

Mutant BCAA, a high-quality BCAA supplement, delivers a precise 2:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, the essential amino acids that play a crucial role in muscle growth, repair, and recovery. With its micronized amino acid support stack, Mutant BCAA enhances nutrient absorption and optimizes muscle protein synthesis. Backed by scientific evidence and positive user reviews, Mutant BCAA stands out as a top choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking to maximize their performance and achieve their physique goals.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 22, 2023
Mutant Carnitine Review: Fat Loss & Performance Boost

Mutant Carnitine Review: Fat Loss & Performance Boost

Mutant Carnitine is a dietary supplement that contains L-carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid that helps the body convert fat into energy. It is effective in improving performance and endurance, and in losing weight. It is also sugar-free and low in calories. However, it is only available in one flavor and may cause stomach upset in some people.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 15, 2023
Mutant Glutamine Review: Is It Worth Buying?

Mutant Glutamine Review: Is It Worth Buying?

Mutant Glutamine is a pure and affordable glutamine powder supplement that supports muscle recovery, enhances athletic performance, and boosts immunity. It contains high-quality glutamine sourced from vegan fermentation and has no fillers or additives. It is backed by scientific evidence from studies and research supporting the effectiveness of glutamine supplementation in promoting muscle growth, improving immunity, and enhancing athletic performance.

by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 15, 2023
Mutant ZM8+ Review: Enhance Sleep & Recovery

Mutant ZM8+ Review: Enhance Sleep & Recovery

Mutant ZM8+ is a ZMA supplement that contains 8 essential micronutrients, including zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6, for natural testosterone support and hormonal activity. Mutant ZM8+ can improve your sleep quality, enhance your muscle recovery, and boost your overall health and well-being by providing you with optimal levels of these nutrients. Mutant ZM8+ is one of the best ZMA supplements on the market, as it offers high-quality ingredients, optimal dosages, and a reasonable price.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 15, 2023
Mutant TEST Review - Boost Testosterone Naturally

Mutant TEST Review - Boost Testosterone Naturally

Mutant TEST is a natural testosterone booster that contains a blend of ingredients that are designed to help increase testosterone levels, improve performance, and reduce muscle loss. It is effective, affordable, and easy to use. However, it may cause some mild side effects, such as headaches and stomach upset, and it is not suitable for women or children.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 15, 2023



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