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Training Knowledge filter by calories

Whey Isolate vs Concentrate: Choosing the Best Protein

Whey Isolate vs Concentrate: Choosing the Best Protein

Mass gainers and whey protein are staples in the fitness world, but they serve different purposes. Mass gainers, with their high calorie and carb content, are ideal for rapid weight gain and muscle growth, particularly for ectomorphs and hard gainers. Whey protein, on the other hand, is more about lean muscle mass development, with a higher protein percentage and minimal carbs and fats, making it suitable for mesomorphs, endomorphs, and those focused on muscle definition and weight management.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on March 24, 2021
About Muscle-Building Supplements - Ultimate Sup

Muscle-Building Supplements: The Complete Guide For Lean Muscle Mass

Don't know where to start and which workout boosters are suitable for you? Read on for some muscle-building choices without wasting too much money.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on February 10, 2021
High-Protein Diets: Evaluate Their Pros And Cons

High-Protein Diets: Evaluate Their Pros And Cons

These days, there is a wide range of diets based on various principles and suitable for different groups of people. In this article, we will be discussing a high protein diet, one of the most famous choices at the moment.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on February 05, 2021
What To Know About Macronutrients - Ultimate Sup

What Are Macronutrients? Nutrition Knowledge You Should Know

We see the term “macronutrients" everywhere, but have you asked yourself questions: “What are macronutrients?”, “Are they important?”, “And which ratio is the best for you?”
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 10, 2020
Make Fat Loss Happen Faster With These Foods

Make Fat Loss Happen Faster With These Foods

One of the most common factors which makes people fail to lose fat is FIBER! Specifically, greens. Undeniably greens are fantastic for our health, well-being, performance and they are absolutely packed with goodness and nutrients which the body needs in order to function.
by Allen Pham on August 20, 2020


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