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MusclePharm Combat Crunch Protein Bar Review 2024

by Ultimate Sup Staff on February 01, 2022

Let's review MusclePharm Combat Crunch Protein Bar with Ultimate Sup Singapore. 

MusclePharm Combat Crunch Singapore

For strength athletes everywhere, protein bars can be an easy way to grab a “healthier” snack. It is loaded with extra protein, and they’re fantastic on-the-go. Having said that, Ultimate Sup has been testing the greatest protein bars in the industry. And we revealed the MusclePharm Combat Crunch Protein Bar Review 2024.

MusclePharm is a sports nutrition company manufacturing many products for strength athletes. Protein bars, especially MusclePharm Combat Crunch bar, are one of their most popular items. The Combat Crunch protein bar has more fiber, less sugar, and a whopping 20 grams of protein.

In this review, we evaluated the Combat Crunch bar's flavor, texture, nutrition, and pricing. How did these bars compare to other well-known brands on the market? Let's find out!

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Pros & Cons MusclePharm Combat Crunch Protein Bar


  • Consistent calories and macronutrients 
  • Various taste 


  • Possible digestive discomfort 


In terms of nutrition, Ultimate Sup believes MusclePharm created a solid bar that is constant. Some other bars differ with their calories and macronutrients, whereas Combat Crunch bars are the same. The fat content per bar is 7 g. The carbohydrate content is 25g. These bars are high protein sources. Every bar has 20 grams of protein, as well as 12 grams of fiber and 5 grams of sugar.

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One of our favorite aspects about these bars were their various textures of MusclePharm Combat Crunch Bar. These bars seemed to be a little too chewy. But, they had the taffy-like sports bar texture. Their other texture components were also a huge hit with softer textures. The glaze on top, as well as extras like sprinkles and flavor layers, made each flavor unique. Were they always a hit in terms of taste? Yes! We appreciate MusclePharm's efforts in creating a full-fledged bar experience.


Ultimate Sup has tried seven MusclePharm Combat Crunch bar flavors. We consider the taste and the texture to determine how they create a synergistic taste. Texture can be a significant aspect for protein bars. Since they frequently aim for a sweeter, more dessert-like flavor, depending on flavoring alone isn't always difficult.

Overall, the taste components of the bars were pretty similar, but there were a few standouts. For example, each bar has a little tint of something artificially sweetened and does not directly reflect the established flavor. Furthermore, the chewiness of the bars is very consistent.

Comparision flavors and textures of MusclePharm Combat Crunch bars

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One advantage of these MusclePharm Combat Crunch Bar is their low cost. Protein bars are considered a "designer" meal by many and have a premium price tag. Yet the Combat Crunch bars at Ultimate Sup Singapore are quite affordable. If you only want one bar, you should budget roughly $5. The pricing for a box of 3 bars is roughly $14.90.

Overall, the MusclePharm Combat Crunch bars weren't my favorite all-around bar, but they did have a few significant advantages. For example, the Cinnamon Twist bar is now one of my all-time favorites, and their nutrition label is constant and reliable throughout. My primary complaints are the varying flavors and the mild intestinal distress they caused me.

If you want a bar with constant nutrients, the Combat Crunch bars can be a suitable choice.

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