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Nutrition filter by Mutant Creakong

Mutant Creakong Showdown: CX8 vs. Original for Muscles

Mutant Creakong Showdown: CX8 vs. Original for Muscles

Mutant Creakong and Mutant Creakong CX8 are two popular creatine supplements that can help you boost your muscle growth and performance. Both supplements provide 4 grams of creatine per serving, but they differ in the types of creatine and additional ingredients they contain. Mutant Creakong provides only creatine monohydrate, which is the most widely used and proven form of creatine. Mutant Creakong CX8 provides a blend of creatine monohydrate, creatine magnapower, and tri-creatine citrate, which may offer faster and better absorption and utilization. Mutant Creakong CX8 also provides BCAA and CSA, which can help you reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, and promote muscle growth and recovery.
by Ultimate Sup Staff on November 15, 2023



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