As the champion of the Best American Diet rankings in 2019, the Mediterranean diet has been increasingly discovered with several benefits for human health, especially for the elderly.
What Is Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean diet is based on eating habits of traditional Italian and Greek foods from the 60s in the Mediterranean region - actually a part of the ocean surrounded by soil. This healthy diet is based on foods with a focus on fresh fruits, green vegetables, beans, fish, and olive oil, but with little red meat. Besides, the following Mediterranean menu still allows you to enjoy a moderate amount of other food sources.

The Benefits Of A Mediterranean Diet
Containing a healthy menu, Mediterranean diet is regarded to influence human health positively. According to a new study by scientists Alexandra Wade, Merrill Elias, and Karen Murphy from the University of Maine and the University of South Australia (Australia), the Mediterranean diet can improve cognitive function in elderly people.
To be specific, these elderly people participated in the Maine-Syracuse study launched in 1974 by author Merrill Elias, a researcher of aging, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive function. Including more than 1,000 data of people from adolescence to the elderly and more than 2,400 data of people selected from central New York and across the United States.
Moreover, with the participation of 244 women from Athens, Greece adopting a Mediterranean-style menu of dishes rich in green vegetables, fresh fruits and fish for 6 months prior to vitro fertilization method (IVF), they are claimed to have a high chance of conceiving successfully in IVF. This is the conclusion made by Greek scientists in the latest research and published in the journal "Human reproduction" on January 30.
Results showed that this group was 65-68% more likely to have a successful pregnancy than women who did not follow the diet regularly. In addition, women under the age of 35 in this group are likely to have healthy babies. To conclude, Nikos Yiannakouris of the Harokopio University of Greece said that the message of the study is to encourage women to adopt a healthy diet, like the Mediterranean diet, to give birth more successfully.
Not only does the Mediterranean diet support weight loss effectively but also can prevent heart attacks, diabetes, and stroke. However, this diet is not applicable to everyone due to some ingredients. So, when following the Mediterranean diet, keep these following instructions in mind.
Mediterranean Diet Recipes, Especially For Vegetarians
There is no specific indication of what foods you should eat on a Mediterranean diet since many countries around the Mediterranean Sea have different cuisine cultures. Hence, Ultimate Sup only suggests a mediterranean diet meal plan by most nutritionists to be most beneficial for your health. The strength of the Mediterranean diet is that you don't need to pay too much attention to calculate the number of calories or nutrients (proteins, fats, carbs).
Choice #1: Whole grain bread with an unsweetened nut butter
Choice #2: Barley rusk with olive oil, crumbled cheese and olives
Choice #3: Greek style scrambled egg with tomatoes
Choice #4: Full fat Greek yogurt with nuts, fruits and honey
Choice #5: Whole grain bread with a piece of cheese and tomatoes.
Choice #1: Lathero vegetables cooked with olive oil, herbs and tomato sauces
Choice #2: Pita like spanakopita with a salad on the side
Choice #3: Chicken dish such as Greekstewed Chicken with a salad
Choice #4: Beans as a thick stew or roasted
Choice #5: Small fatty fish such as sardines or anchovies roasted (Accompanied with boiled greens and drizzled with olive oil and some lemon)
Choice #1: A smaller serving of lunch
Choice #2: A large salad (in the winter mainly greens, in the summer tomatoes) with an olive oil salad dressing, grated or crumbled cheese, and nuts (walnuts, pine nuts or almonds).
Choice #3: Roasted vegetables in olive oil (cauliflower or a mix –like briami). This is an easy and effortless way to prepare vegetables and consume it as a main course.
Choice #4: Omelette with feta accompanied by a simple salad such as tomato and cucumber with olive oil or a green leafy salad.
Choice #5: Yogurt with rusks and fruit. This is a typical evening meal, particularly if lunch has been a bit larger.
Choice #1: Tomatoes and olives with a whole wheat bread or rusk
Choice #2: A serving of fruits
Choice #3: ½ cup Greek yogurt with fruits
Choice #4: A handful of nuts
Choice #5: A handful of dried fruits
The Most Basic Rules While Making A Mediterranean Menu
- Foods that are prioritized in the Mediterranean menu: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, potatoes, whole grains, bread, herbs, spices, fish, seafood, olive oil.
- Foods that should be eaten moderately: poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt.
- Foods that should be minimized: red meat.
- Foods that should not be eaten in the healthy diet: sugary drinks, canned foods, refined grains, industrial foods..
- Use spices and herbs to prepare food; consume as little salt as possible.
- Exercise regularly for the best result.
What Should You Eat When Following Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan
- Vegetables: Tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, onions, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, ...
- Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, melons, peaches,….
- Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, ...
- Legumes: beans, peanuts, lentils, ...
- Types of tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, ...
- Whole grains: brown rice, whole wheat bread and pasta, oats, ...
- Fish and seafood: salmon, mackerel, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, oysters, crabs, clams, ...
- Poultry: chicken, duck, turkey, ...
- Eggs: Chicken, duck and quail eggs.
- Dairy products: Cheese, yogurt, Greek yogurt.
- Herbs and spices: garlic, basil, mint, rosemary leaf, sage leaf, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, ...
- Healthy fats: extra virgin olive oil, avocado and avocado oil.
What Should You Drink When Following Mediterranean Diet Recipes?
You should choose water or mineral water to drink with each meal. You can also drink moderate amounts of red wine, about 1 glass per day.
However, this is completely optional and it is best to avoid alcohol if you have problems with self-control while drinking alcohol. You can also drink coffee and tea, but all soft drinks and juices should be avoided as they contain a lot of sugar.
What Should You Avoid When Adopting This Healthy Diet?
- Products with sugar: Soda, candy, ice cream, sugar, etc.
- Milled cereals: White bread, pasta made from milled barley, and so on.
- Trans Fat: in margarine and ready-to-eat foods.
- Refined oil: Soybean oil, canola oil, etc.
- Processed meat: sausage, smoked sausage, etc.
- Processed foods: including those labeled "Low fat" or "Diet".
As mentioned before, no one can say for certain which foods will fit the Mediterranean diet. But basically this type of diet focuses on plants and less meat (except fish and seafood). At the same time, you should also incorporate regular sports training activities.
Since veggie intake is such an important key point in this healthy diet, you can probably take some nutrition supplement, like Amazing Green Grass Superfood for better outcome. With naturally plant-based ingredients, this product not only supports fiber in your body but also boosts digestion and the immune system. If you adopt the Mediterranean diet and try Amazing Green Grass Superfood simultaneously, successful weight loss doesn’t take so much time!