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Best Nutrition Post-Workout Drink: What To Take After A Workout

by Ultimate Sup Staff on February 07, 2021

You may know about pre workouts. They are supplements replenishing nutrients and strengthen your muscles before training. But, what about sports drinks after exercise? It's another important factor for fitness, too. Let’s find out more about it in the article below!

TL;DR Best Post Workout Shakes

Post workouts are supplements that replenishes numerous nutrients after high-intensity exercises. They are popular for various benefits for muscles and health. Apart from some particular foods you should eat post workout, you can supplement some products. The best ones are Iso 100, Apec Whey, and Impact Whey Protein.

What Is A Post-Workout Drink?

It's a workout supplement suppling various nutrients after a workout, especially high-intensity exercises

After training sessions, your body consumes lots of calories, energy, and nutrients. At that time, muscles will scream for protein. They need amino acids for immediate recovery. If you don’t absorb protein then, you can face some muscle issues. They can be slow recovery, underdevelopment muscles, or muscle loss. 

That's why a post-workout meal will be useful as it brings many nutrients. The nutrition here can come from two sources: natural foods and an ideal post-workout drink. 

Post-workout drinks are useful as they bring many nutrients - Ultimate Sup

Muscle Principles

You need energy all the time. There is an energy surplus in glycogen and protein forms in your muscle cells. During exercise, a certain amount of Glycogen will decrease. It makes you lack power. To be specific, your Glycogen amount can be lower by 40% post-workout if you train hard, based on scientific studies. The protein amount lowers, leading to broken muscle tissues, too. 

So, you'll need an energy drink containing protein and Glycogen to restore energy. Taking post workout beverages with Glycogen will help the body absorb nutrients immediately. Drinking post workout drinks during 45 minutes post workout is the best. Hence, you can absorb carbohydrates and protein to boost muscle recovery. Besides, carbs including Karbolyn or Dextrose are recommended. 

To conclude, you should absorb 50% of the total carbs before & after training daily. For instance, if you need 300g carbs per day, you should take 150g carbs pre and post-workouts.

The Role Of Post-Workout Shakes

Post-workout drinks are essential because it determines your training success. If you choose a quick meal, you will throw away your effort during that tiring training session. In contrast, if you take a high-quality shake after exercise, you can feel your body change day by day. 

Protein Shakes Aid Muscle Growth

Best post workout shakes are great support for your muscle growth after a challenging training. Muscles can break down if you push them too much, so taking protein and carbs is essential. They assist with rebuilding muscles and making them stronger. Research has backed this statement. Using some best protein powders after training can build and converse muscle tissue. Especially when you combine them with a strength training schedule. 

Besides, they can preserve your muscle mass, as well. Protein drinks can prevent the muscle loss that comes with the aging process. Research shows that older adults using protein supplements can slow down muscle tissue loss, thus protecting their bones and health.

Protein Drinks Help To Lose Body Weight

Another power of protein powder is supporting losing weight. Burning fat goes with a calorie deficit. It makes your diet higher in protein, which preserves your muscle mass and focuses on fat loss. Moreover, protein slows down the digestive process. It gives you a feeling of being full longer after you eat. This can decrease overeating and help with weight loss.

Post-Workout Drink Can Promote Your Metabolism

Protein shakes are your muscle’s fuel. They are everything you need to build and repair muscles. Your body can target burning during workouts, too. As a matter of fact, regular exercise along with protein in your diet increases muscle. It requires more calories for fuel. And after a long period of time, it enhances your metabolism.

What Should You Eat After Training?

After training, muscles are broken down and damaged. It is necessary to add more carbs and proteins for the fastest muscle recovery. There are some natural foods for post workout meals that you should add to your body.

  • Yogurt with cereal or dried fruit: A quick post-workout snack that immediately boosts carbohydrates and protein.
  • Eggs: The ones that are easily absorbed.
  • Turkey: Its lean meat is rich in protein, niacin, and vitamin B6.
  • Sea fish: rich in low-fat protein and Omega 3.
  • Beef: low in fat, high in protein
  • Banana: provides a quick amount of absorbed starch into the body and replenishes with lost potassium.

But, you should avoid using some foods after training, as well. Some examples are green vegetables, fatty snacks, carbonated drinks, salty snacks, cakes, etc. 

There is a downside when adding carbs and proteins. You will not be able to control the calorie amount taken into your body. To assure an appropriate calorie and protein amount, Ultimate Sup recommends using some top post workout shakes. 

Currently, Ultimate Sup provides a variety of post-workout dietary supplements including the following products: Iso 100, Apex Whey, Impact Whey Protein.

Iso 100

ISO 100 is a Whey Protein line. It has the lowest fat, lowest calorie. Iso 100 is manufactured with the most modern technologies. They create a super-pure, fast-absorbing protein to support muscle recovery and growth.

The product is regarded as the number-one post-workout shake. Dymatize ISO 100 includes whey protein hydrolyzate and whey protein isolate. They are two proteins considered the purest. Its 100% protein formula contains 25g of protein in a 29g scoop. That means this supplement has an 86% protein content. With 5.5g of BCAA per dose, Dymatize ISO 100 protein has an excellent 18% BCAA content. The vast majority of whey strains do not come close to this number.

ISO 100 is a Whey Protein line with the lowest fat and carbs - Ultimate Sup

Apex Whey

APEX Grass-Fed Whey Protein includes only intact whey protein concentrate. It has no amino acid spiking and no forbidden chemicals. There are no artificial colors, fillers, or aspartame, as well. Each serving has 30 grams of grass-fed whey protein concentrate. It is low in carbohydrates and free of trans fats. This high-quality protein source contains 14 g of essential amino acids (EAAs). It also has 6g of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), as well as 16 g of non-essential amino acids. These amino acids are necessary for muscle growth and repair. APEX Grass-Fed 100% Whey Protein will be the best option for a wonderful shake!

Best post workout shakes available at Ultimate Sup

Impact Whey Protein

Impact Whey Protein is the best post-workout supplement. It is made up of 100% Whey Concentrate. The most popular brand in Europe - My Protein - manufactures this product. The protein content in this leading supplement is produced by the simplest method. So, the main ingredient is Whey Protein Concentrate. It's a form of natural Whey, containing many biological values very good for the body. The protein content variation reaches up to 80% and it consists of many protein fractions. According to studies, these peptides need to be maintained in their natural, unmodified form to realize their properties.

Impact Whey Protein is the best post-workout supplement that is made up of 100% Whey Concentrate - Ultimate Sup

NitroTech Whey Gold

Scientists have revealed that NitroTech Whey Gold can promote muscle recovery. Also, it can support insulin response, and improve assimilation. The super-pure protein in the product can be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. Thus, it forms and builds muscle groups in both size and strength. This is the highest biological value of this best protein powder after training.

NitroTech Whey Gold promotes muscle recovery, supports insulin response, and improves assimilation - Ultimate Sup
Ultimate Sup Singapore hopes this article is useful for those who are looking for the best post workout shakes. In case you need further support, please feel free to contact us. Or, leave some comment and we'll reach you.
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